Webhook Ver. 1.2

rel. 1.2.35
Qapla' srl   •   06492420481


Un Webhook è una notifica di un evento inviata a un URL di tua scelta.

I Webhook sono utili per l'integrazione con servizi di terze parti e altre API esterne che li supportano.

Qapla' webhook fa parte delle API di Qapla'.


Per poter utilizzare le API è necessario essere a conoscenza delle API Key private assegnate al/ai tuo/i canale/i, che si trovano sul Control Panel nella sezione "Impostazioni \ [NOME_CANALE]"

Questa chiave API deve essere protetta e mantenuta segreta.



La risposta dell'URL chiamato dovrà essere:
{"result": "OK"}
Mentre solo in caso di errore sarà:
{"result": "KO"}


Dopo 100 tentativi di trasmissione andati in errore (ovvero con risposta "KO" o risposta non conforme) il servizio verrà disattivato.

Shipments webhook

Ad ogni cambio di stato della spedizione comunicata dal corriere (es: se la spedizione passa da "in consegna" a "consegnato"), una POST in formato JSON viene inviata alla URL indicata nella configurazione del canale sul Control Panel di Qapla'.
In una POST all'endpoint indicato nella configurazione del canale su Control Panel di Qapla', del tipo
Content-Type: application/json;
Content-Length: 1232
Host: webhook.qapla.it
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
Verrà inviata la seguente comunicazione:
  • "apiKey": "[API_KEY]",
  • "trackingNumber": "2253647804",
  • "return": 0,
  • "hasChildren": 0,
  • "isChild": 0,
  • "courier": "DHL",
  • "reference": "2007135",
  • "date": "2019-06-18 20:35:53",
  • "courierStatus": "PL",
  • "place": "LEGHORN/LIVORNO-ITA",
  • "qaplaStatusID": "3",
  • "qaplaStatus": "IN TRANSIT",
  • "statusDetails": [],
  • "custom1": "",
  • "custom2": "",
  • "custom3": ""
"statusDetails" sarà inviato se necessario, come segue. Ad esempio, si noti il dettaglio di stato "GIACENZA", riferito allo stato "ECCEZIONE".
  • "apiKey": "[API_KEY]",
  • "trackingNumber": "2253647804",
  • "return": 0,
  • "hasChildren": 0,
  • "isChild": 0,
  • "courier": "DHL",
  • "reference": "2007135",
  • "date": "2019-06-18 20:35:53",
  • "courierStatus": "PL",
  • "place": "LEGHORN/LIVORNO-ITA",
  • "qaplaStatusID": "6",
  • "qaplaStatus": "ECCEZIONE",
  • "statusDetails": [
    1. {
      • "id": 1,
      • "detail": "GIACENZA"
  • "custom1": "",
  • "custom2": "",
  • "custom3": ""
Abilitare la ricezione di prodotti, colli e destinatario
Abilitando da Qapla' Control Panel il webhook 1.3 è possibile ricevere le informazioni relative ai prodotti, i colli ed il destinatario.
  • "apiKey": "[API_KEY]",
  • "trackingNumber": "2253647804",
  • "return": 0,
  • "hasChildren": 0,
  • "isChild": 0,
  • "courier": "DHL",
  • "reference": "2007135",
  • "date": "2019-06-18 20:35:53",
  • "courierStatus": "PL",
  • "place": "LEGHORN/LIVORNO-ITA",
  • "qaplaStatusID": "6",
  • "qaplaStatus": "ECCEZIONE",
  • "statusDetails": [
    1. {
      • "id": 1,
      • "detail": "GIACENZA"
  • "custom1": "",
  • "custom2": "",
  • "custom3": "",
  • "parcels": [
    1. {
      • "boxCode": "Busta gialla",
      • "weight": 1,
      • "length": 1,
      • "width": 1,
      • "originCountry": "IT",
      • "content": "Some stuff"
  • "rows": [
    1. {}
  • "consignee": {
    • "name": "Mario Rossi",
    • "address": "Via degli indirizzi, 56",
    • "city": "Milan",
    • "state": "MI",
    • "postCode": "20100",
    • "country": "IT",
    • "email": "mario.rossi@email.it",
    • "phone": "320123456"
A seguire la descrizione dei singoli parametri.
Parametro Descrizione
apiKey(string) La API Key del canale dal quale stiamo ricevendo la notifica.
trackingNumber(string) Il tracking number della spedizione
return(int) È 1 se è una spedizione in rientro (reso)
hasChildren(int) È 1 se è la spedizione ha delle spedizioni "figlio"
isChild(int) È 1 se la spedizione è una spedizione "figlio"
courier(string) Il codice corriere di Qapla'
reference(string) Il riferimento alfanumerico dell'ordine
date(string) La data dello stato, come riportata dal corriere
courierStatus(string) Lo stato comunicato dal corriere
place(string) Il luogo comunicato dal corriere
qaplaStatusID(string) La "traduzione" dello stato del corriere negli stati di Qapla'
qaplaStatus La descrizione dello stato
statusDetails L'ID dell'eventuale dettaglio
custom1 L'eventuale valore custom1 della spedizione
custom2 L'eventuale valore custom2 della spedizione
custom3 L'eventuale valore custom3 della spedizione
Descrizione dei parametri aggiuntivi se abilitata la versione 1.3:
Parametro Descrizione
Parametro Descrizione
sku(string) Codice articolo
name(string) Descrizione articolo
price(string) Prezzo
total(string) Prezzo totale
weight(string) Eventuale peso dell'articolo
qty(string) Quantità
url(string) La url specifica del prodotto
imageUrl(string) La url dell'immagine del prodotto
isReturnable(boolean) Se è true indica la possibilità di reso del singolo articolo
customsCode(string) Eventuale Codice Doganale (HSCode)
notes(string) Eventuali note sul prodotto
customsCode(string) Eventuale Codice Doganale (HSCode, Taric, ecc.)
netWeight(string) Eventuale peso netto del prodotto
originCountry(string) Nazione di origine del prodotto in formato ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (Esempio: IT)
unitOfMeasurement(string) Eventuale unità di misura
parcelID(string) Eventuale numero progressivo, identificativo del numero collo in cui viene spedito il prodotto
Parametro Descrizione
boxCode(string) Eventuale codice scatola (se utilizzato le misure verranno prese dalla scatola con codice corrispondente)
weight(float) Eventuale peso della spedizione
length(float) Eventuali misure: lunghezza
height(float) Eventuali misure: altezza
width(float) Eventuali misure: profondità
originCountry(string) Nazione di origine del collo in formato ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (Esempio: IT)
content(string) Eventuale descrizione del contenuto
Parametro Descrizione
Il nominativo del destinatario
L'indirizzo del destinatario
La città del destinatario
Lo stato o la provincia del destinatario
Il codice postale del destinatario
La nazione del destinatario
Eventuale indirizzo e-mail del destinatario
Eventuale numero di telefono del destinatario
La risposta dell'URL chiamato dovrà essere:
{"result": "OK"}
Mentre solo in caso di errore sarà:
{"result": "KO"}

Il result "KO" o qualunque altro tipo di riposta errata che non sia "OK" forzerà il webhook a riprovare la trasmissione altre 2 volte nelle successive ore.


Dopo 100 tentativi di trasmissione andati in errore (ovvero con risposta "KO" o risposta non conforme) il servizio verrà disattivato.

Esempio di endpoint
Il seguente esempio di pagina "in ascolto" prende il contenuto JSON e lo elabora.
//...Imposto il content-type come JSON
header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');

//...L'API Key che mi aspetto
const API_KEY = '[API_KEY]';

//...Ottengo la stringa inviata come POST
$data = file_get_contents('php://input');

//...Se è vuota mi arrabbio moltissimo
    exit('{"result": "KO"}');

//...La trasformo in JSON
$json = json_decode($data);

//...Se è un JSON errato mi arrabbio ancora di più
if(($json === false))
    exit('{"result": "KO"}');

//...Verifico che l'API KEY postata corrisponda, controllo di sicurezza.
if($json->apiKey !== API_KEY):
    exit('{"result": "KO"}');

//... Aggiorno l'eventuale tabella
$sql = "UPDATE orders-shipments SET status = ".$json->qaplaStatusID." WHERE id = ".$json->reference;

//...Tutto a posto, scrivo "result": "OK" in JSON
echo '{"result": "OK"}';

Testa il tuo endpoint inviando una tipica trasmissione da Qapla'.

Compila i campi per inviare una request di esempio all'endpoint segnalato.

Verranno inviati esattamente i campi compilati.

API Key*
Tracking Number*
Courier Status*
Qapla' Status

Shipments return webhook

Ad ogni richiesta di reso da parte del cliente finale* verrà trasmesso ad un endpoint definito sul Control Panel di Qapla', i dettagli della spedizione in rientro.
*Questo servizio è disponibile solamente previa abilitazione, configurazione ed acquisto del servizio Resi automatici(Resi di tipo 3) sullo Store di Qapla'.
Di seguito un'esempio di dettaglio della POST
Content-Type: application/json;
Content-Length: 1232
Host: webhook.qapla.it
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
  • "webhookReturnShipments": {
    • "id": "123456789098765432",
    • "apiKey": "[API_KEY]",
    • "version": 1,
    • "count": 1,
    • "returnShipments": [
      1. {
        • "date": "2022-01-01",
        • "reference": "123456fgh",
        • "RMA": "s3d3d",
        • "parcels": 1,
        • "weight": 1,
        • "trackingNumber": "ZZ12356897654",
        • "refundMethodCode": "0001",
        • "courier": {},
        • "sender": {
          • "name": "Pepito Sbazzeguti",
          • "address": "Via Don Camillo Martire,90",
          • "city": "Brescello",
          • "state": "RE",
          • "postCode": "42041",
          • "country": "IT",
          • "email": "pepito@sbazzeguti.it",
          • "telephone": "3473432522"
        • "consignee": {
          • "name": "The merchant SRL",
          • "address": "Via enterprise,10",
          • "city": "Milano",
          • "state": "MI",
          • "postCode": "20100",
          • "country": "IT"
        • "rows": [
          1. {
            • "sku": "A-1233",
            • "name": "Whisky in the Jar",
            • "qty": 1,
            • "total": "12.00",
            • "reason": "Jar empty"
A seguire la descrizione dei singoli parametri.
Parametro Descrizione
apiKey(string) La API Key del canale dal quale stiamo ricevendo la notifica.
Parametro Descrizione
date(string) Data di creazione di reso
reference(string) Riferimento ordine
RMA(string) Codice Return Merchandise Authorization
parcels(integer) Colli
weight(float) Peso
trackingNumber(string) Il tracking number della spedizione di reso
refundMethodCode(string) Il codice del metodo di rimborso scelto
Parametro Descrizione
code(string) Codice
name(string) Nome
icon(string) Link all'icona
sender(object) È il mittente della spedizione se diverso dall'intestatario del contratto.
Parametro Descrizione
name(string) Nome del Mittente
address(string) Indirizzo del mittente
city(string) Città del mittente
state(string) Provincia
postCode(string) CAP
country(string) Nazione in formato ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (Esempio: IT)
email(string) Email del mittente
telephone(string) Telefono del mittente
consignee(object) È il destinatario della spedizione di Reso.
Parametro Descrizione
name(string) Nome / Ragione sociale
address(string) Indirizzo
city(string) Città
state(string) Provincia
postCode(string) CAP
country(string) Nazione in formato ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (Esempio: IT)
rows(array of objects) Lista articoli in restituzione
Parametro Descrizione
sku(string) SKU
name(string) Nome articolo
qty(string) Quantità
total(string) Costo totale articolo
reason(string) Causale di restituzione dell'articolo
La risposta dell'URL chiamato dovrà essere:
{"result": "OK"}
Mentre solo in caso di errore sarà:
{"result": "KO"}

Il result "KO" o qualunque altro tipo di riposta errata che non sia "OK" forzerà il webhook a riprovare la trasmissione altre 2 volte nelle successive ore.


Dopo 100 tentativi di trasmissione andati in errore (ovvero con risposta "KO" o risposta non conforme) il servizio verrà disattivato.

Orders webhook

Il webhook può essere configurato per essere inviato alla creazione della spedizione (stampa etichetta) o alla trasmisione (invio conferma al corriere) , nell'apposita sezione sul Control Panel di Qapla'.
In una POST all'endpoint indicato nella configurazione del canale su Control Panel di Qapla', del tipo
Content-Type: application/json;
Content-Length: 1232
Host: webhook.qapla.it
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
Verrà inviata la seguente comunicazione:
  • "apiKey": "01306b82789acd2d9317e12f2s70c4z0e0f4669c21e4c88df2c8a919e0a0d",
  • "orders": [
    1. {
      • "reference": "51704",
      • "orderDate": "2018-02-21 14:04:19",
      • "shipDate": "2018-02-22 12:54:15",
      • "courier": "GLS-ITA",
      • "trackingNumber": "XX580104809",
      • "return": null,
      • "returnTrackingNumber": null,
      • "weight": 1,
      • "parcels": 1,
      • "length": 0,
      • "width": 0,
      • "height": 0,
      • "amount": "€ 28.74",
      • "isPOD": false,
      • "customerName": "Pepito Sbazzeguti",
      • "customerAddress": "Via Don Camillo Martire,90",
      • "customerCity": "Brescello",
      • "customerState": "RE",
      • "customerZip": "42041",
      • "customerCountry": "IT",
      • "customerTelephone": "3473432522",
      • "customerEmail": "pepito@sbazzeguti.it",
      • "notes": ""
apiKey(string) La API Key del canale dal quale stiamo ricevendo la notifica.
orders(array) È un array di ordini.
reference(string) Il riferimento ordine
orderDate Data dell'ordine
shipDate Data di creazione della spedizione
courier Il codice corriere di Qapla'
trackingNumber Il tracking number della spedizione
return(bool) È true se la spedizione ha un reso
returnTrackingNumber(string) L'eventuale tracking number della spedizione di reso
weight(float) Peso
parcels(int) Colli
length(float) Lunghezza
width(float) Profondità
height(float) Altezza
amount(string) Importo della spedizione
isPOD(bool) È true se la spedizione è in contrassegno
customerName(string) Nominativo del destinatario
customerAddress(string) Indirizzo del destinatario
customerCity(string) Città del destinatario
customerState(string) Provincia del destinatario
customerZip(string) CAP del destinatario
customerCountry(string) Nazione del destinatario
customerTelephone(string) Telefono del destinatario
customerEmail(string) Email del destinatario
notes(string) Eventuali note dell'ordine

Testa il tuo endpoint inviando una tipica trasmissione da Qapla'.

API Key*
Order date
Ship date
Tracking Number
Customer Name
Customer Address
Customer City
Customer State
Customer Zip
Customer Country
Customer Telephone
Customer Email

Qapla' Status

È l'interpretazione dello stato della spedizione con dei valori che Qapla' assegna a ciascun possibile stato del corriere.

0 ATTESA ELABORAZIONE La gestione automatica di interrogazione del corriere non è ancora stata eseguita.
1 IN SOSPESO La spedizione è stata trovata ma non ci sono ancora notizie da parte del corriere.
2 ATTESA RITIRO Il corriere non ha ancora ritirato la spedizione.
20 PARTITO La spedizione è partita.
3 IN TRANSITO La merce è in transito.
50 IN LAVORAZIONE Spedizione in lavorazione
4 IN CONSEGNA Spedizione in consegna.
5 TENTATIVO DI CONSEGNA FALLITO La consegna è fallita. Pre-allarme per possibili problemi.
8 RITARDO La spedizione sta subendo dei ritardi.
6 ECCEZIONE Viene segnalato un qualche problema che può essere generico o spiegato da ulteriori icone.
6 1 ECCEZIONE • GIACENZA La spedizione è in giacenza
6 2 ECCEZIONE • SPEDIZIONE IN RIENTRO / RIFIUTATA La spedizione è stata rifiutata e la merce è in rientro.
6 3 ECCEZIONE • DANNEGGIAMENTO Il corriere segnala che la merce risulta danneggiata.
6 4 ECCEZIONE • SMARRIMENTO Il corriere segnala che la merce risulta smarrita.
10 PUNTO DI RITIRO La spedizione è stata consegnata in un Punto di Ritiro.
95 RIENTRATO La spedizione è rientrata al mittente.
99 CONSEGNATO La spedizione è stata consegnata al destinatario.


Elenco dei codici Qapla' per corriere, in ordine alfabetico.
TWOGO TWOGO 2GO https://www.parcel2go.com/tracking/ PH
THREE-JMS-LOGISTICS THREE-JMS-LOGISTICS 3JMS Logistics https://www.aftership.com/carriers/3jmslogistics GLOBAL
FOURPX FOURPX 4PX http://express.4px.com/ CN
NINENINE-MINUTOS NINENINE-MINUTOS 99minutos https://tracking.99minutos.com/ GLOBAL
A1-POST A1-POST A1 Post https://a1post.bg/en/track/ PT
ABF-FREIGHT ABF-FREIGHT ABF Freight https://arcb.com/tools/tracking.html#/ US
ACS-COURIER ACS-COURIER ACS Courier https://www.acscourier.net/en/ GR
AG-LOGISTICA AG-LOGISTICA AG Logistica http://www.aglogisticasrl.it/ IT
AIR-EXPRESS-IT AIR-EXPRESS-IT Air Express https://airexpress.it/ IT
AIRPAK-EXPRESS AIRPAK-EXPRESS Airpak Express https://tracking.airpak-express.com/tracking.aspx?stid=airpak&cn= MY
AIRTRANS AIRTRANS AirTrans https://track.wqxs.com/93/ CY
ALBANIA-POST ALBANIA-POST Albania Post https://www.postashqiptare.al/ AL
ALIEXPRESS ALIEXPRESS Aliexpress https://www.aliexpress.com/‎ CN
ALPI ALPI Alpi World https://www.alpiworld.com/ GLOBAL
AMATI-JR AMATI-JR Amati JR http://www.amatijrtrasporti.it/ IT
AMAZON-SHIPPING AMAZON-SHIPPING Amazon Shipping https://shipping.amazon.co.uk/ IT
AN-POST AN-POST An Post https://www.anpost.com/ IE
ANJUN-LOGISTICS ANJUN-LOGISTICS Anjun Logistics http://www.szanjuntrack.com/Szanjuntrack.asp CN
ARAMEX ARAMEX Aramex http://www.aramex.com GLOBAL
ARAMEX-AT ARAMEX-AT Aramex AT https://www.aramex.com.au/tools/track?l= AU
ARAMEX-AU ARAMEX-AU Aramex AU https://www.aramex.com.au/ AU
ARAMEX-NZ ARAMEX-NZ Aramex NZ https://www.aramex.co.nz/tools/track?l= GLOBAL
ARAS-KARGO ARAS-KARGO Aras Kargo https://kargotakip.araskargo.com.tr/mainpage.aspx?code= TR
ARCO ARCO Arco Spedizioni http://www.arco.it/ IT
ARMENIA-POST ARMENIA-POST Armenia Post https://www.haypost.am/hy/track-and-trace AM
ASENDIA ASENDIA Asendia Europe https://www.asendia.com EU
ASENDIA-DE ASENDIA-DE ASENDIA Germany http://www.asendia.de/ DE
ASENDIA-HK ASENDIA-HK Asendia HK https://www.asendia.hk/cn/tracking/ CN
ASENDIA-UK ASENDIA-UK Asendia UK https://www.asendia.co.uk/tracking/ UK
ASENDIA-UK-PREMIUM ASENDIA-UK-PREMIUM Asendia UK Premium https://watchmyparcel.com/asendia UK
ASENDIA-USA ASENDIA-USA ASENDIA USA http://www.asendiausa.com/ US
ASM ASM ASM http://www.asmred.com ES
ATLANTIC ATLANTIC Atlantic International Express https://atlanticcourier.net/ IN
AUEXPRESS AUEXPRESS Auexpress https://www.auexpress.com/order_track.php CN
AUSTRALIA-POST AUSTRALIA-POST Australia Post https://auspost.com.au/ AU
AUSTRIAN-POST AUSTRIAN-POST Austrian Post https://www.post.at AT
AXLEHIRE AXLEHIRE AxleHire https://tracking.axlehire.com/ GLOBAL
BETSERVICE BETSERVICE B&T Service http://www.betservice.net/ IT
BAHRAIN-POST BAHRAIN-POST Bahrain Post http://www.bahrain.bh/ BH
BEJOT-LOGISTICS BEJOT-LOGISTICS Bejot Logistics https://bejotlogistics.com/order/tracking/ GLOBAL
BELPOCHTA BELPOCHTA Belpochta https://belpost.by/ BY
BENIN-POST BENIN-POST Benin Post http://courrier.laposte.bj/IPSWebTracking/ BJ
BH-POSTA BH-POSTA BH Posta https://www.posta.ba/ GLOBAL
BIZ-COURIER BIZ-COURIER Biz Courier https://www.bizcourier.eu/ GR
BLUECARE-EXPRESS BLUECARE-EXPRESS Bluecare Express https://www.bluecare.express/Home/About UK
BORDER-EXPRESS BORDER-EXPRESS Border Express https://www.borderexpress.com.au/tracking/?cn= AU
BA-POST BA-POST Bosnia And Herzegovina Post http://www.posta.ba//en/track-trace-2/ BA
BPOST BPOST BPost https://track.bpost.be BE
BRACCHI BRACCHI Bracchi https://www.bracchi.it/ IT
BRAZIL-CORREIOS BRAZIL-CORREIOS Brazil Correios http://correios.com.br/ BR
BRT BRT BRT http://www.brt.it IT
BUFFALO-SOUTH-AFRICA BUFFALO-SOUTH-AFRICA Buffalo South Africa https://www.buffaloex.co.za/track.html?number= GLOBAL
BULGARIAN-POSTS BULGARIAN-POSTS Bulgarian Posts https://www.bgpost.bg/en BG
CACESA-POSTAL CACESA-POSTAL Cacesa Postal https://www.cacesapostal.com/Tracking?q= GLOBAL
CAINIAO CAINIAO Cainiao https://global.cainiao.com/detail.htm?mailNoList=&spm=a3708.7860688.0.d01 CN
CARGO-INTERNATIONAL CARGO-INTERNATIONAL Cargo International https://www.cargointernational.de/sendungsverfolgung/tracking/ GLOBAL
CARGUS CARGUS Cargus https://app.urgentcargus.ro/Private/Tracking.aspx GLOBAL
CBL-LOGISTICA CBL-LOGISTICA CBL Logistica http://www.cbl-logistica.com ES
CDEK-EXPRESS CDEK-EXPRESS CDEK Express https://www.cdek.ru/ru/tracking?order_id= GLOBAL
CDEK-TURKEY CDEK-TURKEY CDEK Turkey https://www.cdek.com.tr/en TR
CELERITAS CELERITAS Celeritas https://celeritastransporte.com/ ES
CZECH-POST CZECH-POST Česká pošta https://www.ceskaposta.cz CZ
CEVA-LOGISTICS CEVA-LOGISTICS Ceva Logistics https://www.cevalogistics.com/ GLOBAL
CHINA-EMS CHINA-EMS China EMS http://www.11183.com.cn/english.html CN
CHINA-POST CHINA-POST China Post http://www.chinapost.com.cn/ CN
CHIT-CHATS CHIT-CHATS Chit Chats https://chitchats.com/tracking/ CA
CHOICE-LOGISTICS CHOICE-LOGISTICS CHOICE Logistics https://track.choicelogistics.com/elekta CN
CHRONOPOST-FR CHRONOPOST-FR Chronopost France http://www.chronopost.fr/ FR
CHRONOPOST-PORTUGAL CHRONOPOST-PORTUGAL Chronopost Portugal(DPD) https://chronopost.pt/en/node/167 PT
CHUKOU1-LOGISTICS CHUKOU1-LOGISTICS Chukou1 Logistics http://www.chukou1.com/LogistictsTrack.aspx?trackNo= CN
CHUNGHWA-POST CHUNGHWA-POST Chunghwa POST http://postserv.post.gov.tw/pstmail/main_mail.html TW
CIRRO CIRRO CIRRO https://www.cirroparcel.com/en/tracking-results/?id=&year=2023 GLOBAL
CJ-LOGISTICS CJ-LOGISTICS CJ Logistics https://www.cjlogistics.com/cn/tool/international/tracking KR
CNE-EXPRESS CNE-EXPRESS CNE Express http://www.cnexps.com/ CN
COLDLINE COLDLINE Coldline https://www.coldlinegroup.com/ IT
COLIS-PRIVE COLIS-PRIVE Colis Privé https://www.colisprive.com FR
COLISSIMO COLISSIMO Colissimo http://www.colissimo.fr FR
COLLIVERY COLLIVERY Collivery https://collivery.net/tracking GLOBAL
COMONE-EXPRESS COMONE-EXPRESS ComOne Express http://www.com1logistics.com/tracking.html?trackNo= GLOBAL
CON-WAY-FREIGHT CON-WAY-FREIGHT Con-way Freight https://app.ltl.xpo.com/appjs/tracking/#/tracking US
COORDINADORA COORDINADORA Coordinadora https://www.coordinadora.com/ GLOBAL
CORREO-URUGUAYO CORREO-URUGUAYO Correo Uruguayo https://ahiva.correo.com.uy/servicioConsultaTntIps-wsWeb/seguimientoEnvios/eventosweb?codigoPieza=&retry=433 GLOBAL
CORREOS CORREOS Correos http://www.correos.es ES
CORREOS-EXPRESS CORREOS-EXPRESS Correos Express https://www.correosexpress.com ES
COSCO-EGLOBAL COSCO-EGLOBAL COSCO eGlobal https://elines.coscoshipping.com/ebusiness/ CN
COURANT COURANT Courant https://track.aftership.com/trackings?courier=courant-plus&language=fr&tracking-numbers= GLOBAL
COURIER-EXPRESS-IT COURIER-EXPRESS-IT Courier expres http://www.spacecomputer-web.it/web/courier IT
CRONO-PTI CRONO-PTI Crono Poste http://www.poste-impresa.it/online/pmi/postali/italia/crono-gamma.shtml IT
CRONO-REVERSE CRONO-REVERSE Crono Reverse https://business.poste.it/professionisti-imprese/prodotti/crono-reverse-gestione-resi-ecommerce.html IT
CTC-EXPRESS CTC-EXPRESS CTC Express http://www.ctc-express.com.tw/ GLOBAL
CTS_GROUP CTS_GROUP CTS GROUP https://www.ctsgroup.nl/en/ NL
CTT CTT CTT https://www.ctt.pt PT
CTT-EXPRESS CTT-EXPRESS CTT Express https://www.cttexpress.com/ PT
CUBYN CUBYN Cubyn https://www.cubyn.com/ FR
CYPRUS-POST CYPRUS-POST Cyprus Post https://www.cypruspost.post/ CY
DAC-IT DAC-IT D.A.C https://dac-it.com/ IT
DACHSER DACHSER Dachser https://www.dachser.com/ GLOBAL
DAI-POST DAI-POST DAI Post https://www.daipost.com/ GLOBAL
DAO365 DAO365 DAO365 https://www.dao.as/en/private/track-your-parcel?stregkode= GLOBAL
DAY-AND-ROSS DAY-AND-ROSS Day & Ross https://dayross.com/view-shipment-tracking?division=Freight CA
DAYLIGHT-TRANSPORT DAYLIGHT-TRANSPORT Daylight Transport https://mydaylight.dylt.com/external/shipment?probill= GLOBAL
DBSCHENKER DBSCHENKER DB Schenker https://www.dbschenker.com/ GLOBAL
DELCART DELCART Delcart http://www.delcart.in/tracking_details_3.php IN
DELNEXT DELNEXT Delnext https://www.delnext.com/IT/track_your_parcel GLOBAL
DEUTSCHE-POST DEUTSCHE-POST Deutsche Post https://www.deutschepost.de/ DE
DHL-DE DHL-DE Deutsche Post DHL http://www.dpdhl.com/ DE
DEX-I DEX-I DEX-I https://www.dexi.com.my/ CN
DHL-ECOMMERCE DHL-ECOMMERCE DHL eCommerce http://webtrack.dhlglobalmail.com/ US
DHL DHL DHL Express http://www.dhl.com/ GLOBAL
DHL-FREIGHT DHL-FREIGHT DHL Freight https://www.logistics.dhl GLOBAL
DHL-GLOBAL-MAIL-ASIA DHL-GLOBAL-MAIL-ASIA DHL Global Mail Asia https://ecommerceportal.dhl.com/track/?ref= DE
DHL-HONG-KONG DHL-HONG-KONG DHL Hong Kong https://www.logistics.dhl/hk-zh/home/tracking.html GLOBAL
DHL-PAKET DHL-PAKET DHL Paket https://www.dhl.de/ DE
DHLPARCEL-NL DHLPARCEL-NL DHL Parcel NL https://www.dhlparcel.nl/ NL
DHLPARCEL-ES DHLPARCEL-ES DHL Parcel Spain https://www.dhlparcel.es ES
DMM DMM DMM Network http://www.dmmnetwork.it/ IT
DOTZOT DOTZOT Dotzot http://dotzot.in/index-web.html IN
DPD DPD DPD http://www.dpd.com/ GLOBAL
DPD-HR DPD-HR DPD Croatia https://www.dpd.com/hr/en/receiving-parcels/parcel-tracking/ GLOBAL
DPD-CZ DPD-CZ DPD CZ https://www.dpdgroup.com/cz/mydpd/my-parcels/incoming?parcelNumber= GLOBAL
DPD-FR DPD-FR DPD France http://www.dpd.fr FR
DPD-IE DPD-IE DPD Ireland https://dpd.ie/tracking?deviceType=5&consignmentNumber= IE
DPD-NL DPD-NL DPD Netherlands https://www.dpd.com/nl/en/receiving/track/ NL
DPD-PL DPD-PL DPD Poland https://www.dpd.com.pl/ PL
DPD-PT DPD-PT DPD Portugal https://tracking.dpd.pt/track-and-trace?reference= PT
DPD-RO DPD-RO DPD Romania https://tracking.dpd.ro/ RO
DPD-RU DPD-RU DPD Russia https://www.dpd.ru/dpd/search/search.do2 RU
DPD-CH DPD-CH DPD Switzerland https://www.dpd.com/ch/en/mydpd/ CH
DPD-UK DPD-UK DPD UK http://www.dpd.co.uk/ GB
DPE-EXPRESS DPE-EXPRESS DPE Express http://www.dpe.net.cn/Tracking.php CN
DPEX DPEX DPEX https://dpex.com/track-and-trace/ SG
DSV DSV DSV http://www.dsv.com/ GLOBAL
DX-DELIVERY DX-DELIVERY DX Delivery https://www.dxdelivery.com/consumer/my-tracking/ UK
EARLY-BIRD EARLY-BIRD Early Bird https://earlybird.se/tracking/ SW
EASY-SHIP EASY-SHIP Easy Ship https://www.trackmyshipment.co/shipment-tracking/ GLOBAL
ECMS-EXPRESS ECMS-EXPRESS ECMS Express https://ese.ecmsglobal.com/#/ecms/tracking?order_number= CN
ECOM-EXPRESS ECOM-EXPRESS Ecom Express https://ecomexpress.in/tracking/?awb_field= IN
ECOSCOOTING ECOSCOOTING ECOSCOOTING https://play.ecoscooting.com/tracking GLOBAL
ECUADOR-POST ECUADOR-POST Ecuador Post https://www.correosdelecuador.gob.ec/rastreo-de-envios/ EC
EFMX EFMX eFMX https://www.fmx.asia/cn/result_detail.php?p=1&conno= GLOBAL
EFS-ASIA EFS-ASIA EFS Asia http://web.efs.asia/script/users/tracking.php GLOBAL
ELOG-LUXEMBOURG ELOG-LUXEMBOURG Elog Luxembourg https://www.elog-luxembourg.com/ LU
EMIRATES-POST EMIRATES-POST Emirates Post https://www.epg.gov.ae/ AE
ENERGO-LOGISTIC ENERGO-LOGISTIC Energo Logistic https://www.energologistic.it/ IT
ENVIALIA ENVIALIA Envialia http://www.envialia.com/ ES
EQUICK EQUICK Equick http://www.equick.cn/F10003.aspx CN
ESTAFETA-USA ESTAFETA-USA Estafeta USA https://rastreositecorecms.azurewebsites.net/Rastreo/Resultados/ US
ESTES ESTES Estes http://www.estes-express.com/WebApp/ShipmentTracking/MainServlet CA
EWE-GLOBAL-EXPRESS EWE-GLOBAL-EXPRESS EWE Global Express https://www.ewe.com.au/html/track.html?cno=#track-results AU
EXELOT EXELOT Exelot https://my.exelot.com/public/track/ IL
EXPRESS-COURIER EXPRESS-COURIER Express Courier https://expresscourierintl.com/tracking-results/?tracking_id= US
FAR-INTERNATIONAL-LOGISTICS FAR-INTERNATIONAL-LOGISTICS Far International Logistics https://www.far800.com/ CN
FAROE-ISLANDS-POST FAROE-ISLANDS-POST Faroe Islands Post https://www.posta.fo/search?cc= FO
FASTWAY-NZ FASTWAY-NZ Fastway New Zealand https://www.fastway.co.nz/tools/track/ NZ
FBA-AU-SWISHIP FBA-AU-SWISHIP FBA AU Swiship https://www.swiship.com.au/track/?id= GLOBAL
FBA-CA-SWISHIP FBA-CA-SWISHIP FBA CA Swiship https://www.swiship.ca/track/?loc=zh-CN&id=***** GLOBAL
FBA-DE-SWISHIP FBA-DE-SWISHIP FBA DE Swiship https://www.swiship.de/track/?id= CN
FBA-FR-SWISHIP FBA-FR-SWISHIP FBA FR Swiship https://www.swiship.fr/track?id= GLOBAL
FBA-IT-SWISHIP FBA-IT-SWISHIP FBA IT Swiship https://www.swiship.it/track?loc=it-IT&id= GLOBAL
FBA-JP-SWISHIP FBA-JP-SWISHIP FBA JP Swiship https://www.swiship.jp/track/?loc=ja-JP&id= GLOBAL
FBA-UK-SWISHIP FBA-UK-SWISHIP FBA UK Swiship https://www.swiship.co.uk/track/?id= UK
FBA-USA-SWISHIP FBA-USA-SWISHIP FBA USA Swiship https://www.swiship.com/track/?id= US
FEDEX FEDEX FedEx http://www.fedex.com/ GLOBAL
FEDEX-FIMS FEDEX-FIMS Fedex FIMS http://mailviewrecipient.fedex.com/recip_package_summary.aspx?PostalID= US
FEDEX-POLAND-DOMESTIC FEDEX-POLAND-DOMESTIC FedEx Poland Domestic https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?action=track&trackingnumber=&cntry_code=pl&locale=pl_PL PL
FERCAM FERCAM FERCAM Logistics http://www.fercam.com/ IT
FERMOPOINT FERMOPOINT Fermopoint https://www.fermopoint.it IT
FIJI-POST FIJI-POST Fiji Post http://www.postfiji.com.fj/pages.cfm/services/track-trace/ FJ
FINESSO FINESSO Finesso https://www.finesso.it/ IT
FINLAND-POST-POSTI FINLAND-POST-POSTI Finland Post - Posti https://www.posti.fi/private/tracking/#/?lang=en FI
FIRSTMILE FIRSTMILE FirstMile https://track.firstmile.com/detail.php?n= US
FLASHEXPRESS-PH FLASHEXPRESS-PH FlashExpress PH https://flashexpress.com/fle/tracking PH
FLYT-EXPRESS FLYT-EXPRESS Flyt Express http://www.flytexpress.com/Home/LogisticsTracking#orderIds= CN
FREIGHTQUOTE FREIGHTQUOTE Freightquote https://www.freightquote.com/track-shipment/?bol= GLOBAL
GDEX GDEX GDEX https://web3.gdexpress.com/official/iframe/etracking_v4.php?input=&choice=cnGdex MY
GEBRUDER-WEISS-GERMANY GEBRUDER-WEISS-GERMANY Gebrüder Weiss Germany https://www.gw-world.com/#/ GLOBAL
GEIS-CZ GEIS-CZ Geis CZ https://www.geis-group.cz/en/tracking-tracing?p= CZ
GEL-EXPRESS GEL-EXPRESS GEL Express https://srv4.thalmaier.de/gel/send/EN-en/TrackingAndTracing.aspx?sp=1&snr=&submit.x=13&submit.y=7 DE
GENIKI-TAXYDROMIKI GENIKI-TAXYDROMIKI Geniki Taxydromiki https://www.taxydromiki.com/track/ GR
GEODIS GEODIS Geodis https://geodis.com/ FR
GLOBALTR GLOBALTR Global Trasporti http://www.globaltrasporti.com/ IT
GLOBEGISTICS-INC GLOBEGISTICS-INC Globegistics Inc. https://us.mytracking.net/globegistics/portal/ExternalTracking.aspx?track= US
GLS-ITA GLS-ITA GLS http://www.gls-italy.com IT
GLS-AT GLS-AT GLS Austria https://gls-group.com/AT/en/home AT
GLS-CA GLS-CA GLS Canada https://gls-canada.com/en/express/tracking/result GLOBAL
GLS GLS GLS Europe https://gls-group.eu/ EU
GLS-EUROPE-WW GLS-EUROPE-WW GLS Europe WW https://gls-group.eu/GROUP/en/home GLOBAL
GLS-FR GLS-FR GLS France https://gls-group.eu/FR/fr/home FR
GLS-DE GLS-DE GLS Germany https://www.gls-pakete.de/en/parcel-tracking?match= DE
GLS-PL GLS-PL GLS Poland https://gls-group.com/PL/en/parcel-tracking PL
GLS-SK GLS-SK GLS Slovakia https://gls-group.eu/SK/en/parcel-tracking.html?match= GLOBAL
GLS-SPAIN GLS-SPAIN GLS Spain https://m.gls-spain.es/ ES
GLS-US GLS-US GLS US https://www.gls-us.com/Tracking/PackageDetail US
GO-EXPRESS GO-EXPRESS GO! Express & Logistics https://www.general-overnight.com DE
GOGLOBAL-POST GOGLOBAL-POST Goglobal Post https://www.goglobalpost.com/track-detail/?t= GLOBAL
GRAND-SLAM-EXPRESS GRAND-SLAM-EXPRESS Grand Slam Express http://icms.grandslamexpress.in/webtracking/WebTracking.aspx IN
GUERNSEY-POST GUERNSEY-POST Guernsey Post https://www.guernseypost.com/track-trace GG
HAPPY-POST HAPPY-POST Happy Post https://happy-post.com/en/track/ GLOBAL
HEPSIJET HEPSIJET HepsiJET https://www.hepsijet.com/gonderi-takibi/ GLOBAL
HERMES-DE HERMES-DE Hermes Germany https://www.myhermes.de DE
HERMES-IT HERMES-IT Hermes Italy http://www.hermes-italy.it/ IT
HERMES HERMES Hermes UK https://www.myhermes.co.uk GB
HKD HKD HKD http://www.hkdexpress.net/index.php?m=track&a=index AU
HONG-KONG-POST HONG-KONG-POST Hong Kong Post https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/home/index.html HK
HOTWMS HOTWMS HOTWMS http://www.hotwms.com/trace.html GLOBAL
HRP HRP HR Parcel https://www.hrparcel.com/ IT
HRVATSKA-POSTA HRVATSKA-POSTA Hrvatska pošta https://www.posta.hr HR
HUA-HAN-LOGISTICS HUA-HAN-LOGISTICS Hua Han Logistics http://www.hhddb.com/default/index/get-track-detail CN
HUNTER-EXPRESS HUNTER-EXPRESS Hunter Express https://www.hunterexpress.com.au/tracking/ US
ICS-COURIER ICS-COURIER ICS courier https://www.icscourier.ca/online-services/parcel-tracking.aspx CA
IDS-GERMANY IDS-GERMANY IDS Germany https://www.ids-logistik.de/de/sendungsverfolgung?trackingNumber= GLOBAL
IMILE IMILE iMile https://www.imile.com/track/ AE
INPOST INPOST InPost https://inpost.it/ IT
INSTALLO INSTALLO Installo https://www.installo.it/ IT
INTEGRA2 INTEGRA2 Integra2 https://www.integra2.es/ ES
INTELCOM INTELCOM Intelcom https://intelcomexpress.com/en/tracking/ CA
INTEXPRESS INTEXPRESS Intexpress http://www.internetexpress.co.za/Home/TrackWBOnline GLOBAL
JT-BRAZIL JT-BRAZIL J&T Brazil https://www.jtexpress.com.br/trajectoryQuery?waybillNo= GLOBAL
JT-EXPRESS JT-EXPRESS J&T Express https://www.jet.co.id/track ID
JT-EXPRESS-PHILIPPINES JT-EXPRESS-PHILIPPINES J&T Express Philippines https://www.jtexpress.ph/index/query/gzquery.html PH
JT-EXPRESS-THAILAND JT-EXPRESS-THAILAND J&T Express Thailand https://www.jtexpress.co.th/service/estimated-price TH
JT-EXPRESS-UAE JT-EXPRESS-UAE J&T Express UAE https://www.jtexpress.ae/trajectoryQuery?waybillNo=&type=0 AE
JANCO-ECOMMERCE JANCO-ECOMMERCE Janco Ecommerce https://track.jancoecommerce.com/cargotracking_ecom/itxp/xpop/xpordertrack?as_order_no= GLOBAL
JCEX JCEX JCEX https://www.jcex.com/html/web/guijichaxun/index.html?nums= CN
JD-EXPRESS JD-EXPRESS JD Express http://www.jdwl.com/order/search?waybillCodes= CN
JERSEY-POST JERSEY-POST Jersey Post https://www.jerseypost.com/ GB
JNE JNE jne https://cekresi.jne.co.id/ GLOBAL
JTEXPRESS-VN JTEXPRESS-VN jtexpress-vn https://jtexpress.vn/track?billcodes=&btn_track= GLOBAL
JUSDASR JUSDASR JusdaSR https://jusdaeurope.com/en/package-tracking/ CN
KANGAROO-WORLDWIDE-EXPRESS KANGAROO-WORLDWIDE-EXPRESS Kangaroo Worldwide Express http://www.kangaroo.com.my/ MY
KERRY-ECOMMERCE KERRY-ECOMMERCE Kerry eCommerce https://kerry-ecommerce.com/en/track-trace/ GLOBAL
KERRY-EXPRESS-TH KERRY-EXPRESS-TH Kerry Express TH https://th.kerryexpress.com/en/track/?track= US
KERRY-EXPRESS-VN KERRY-EXPRESS-VN Kerry Express VN https://kerryexpress.com.vn/tracking.aspx?tc= VN
KERRY-LOGISTICS KERRY-LOGISTICS Kerry Logistics http://www.expba.com/emmis/www.kerryeas.com.html GLOBAL
KERRY-TJ-LOGISTICS KERRY-TJ-LOGISTICS Kerry TJ Logistics https://www.kerrytj.com/en/ GLOBAL
KOREA-POST KOREA-POST Korea Post https://www.epost.go.kr KR
LA-POSTE LA-POSTE La Poste https://www.laposte.fr/ FR
LATAM-YOU LATAM-YOU LATAM YOU https://latamyou.com/#/newTrack?no= GLOBAL
LATVIJAS-PASTS LATVIJAS-PASTS Latvijas Pasts https://pasts.lv/ LV
LBC-EXPRESS LBC-EXPRESS LBC Express https://www.lbcexpress.com/us/track/?tracking_no= GLOBAL
LD-LOGISTICS LD-LOGISTICS LD Logistics http://www.ldlog.com.cn/cxwl.asp CN
LEBANON-POST LEBANON-POST Lebanon Post https://www.libanpost.com/arabic/individuals/mailing LB
LEXSHIP LEXSHIP Lexship https://track.lexship.com/ IN
LICCARDI LICCARDI Liccardi Trasporti https://www.liccarditrasporti.com/ IT
LIECHTENSTEIN-POST LIECHTENSTEIN-POST Liechtenstein Post https://www.tnt.com/express/de_ch/site/home/applications/tracking.html?searchType=CON&cons= LI
LIEFERGRUN LIEFERGRUN Liefergrün https://en.liefergruen.de/sendungsverfolgung GLOBAL
LIETUVOS-PASTAS LIETUVOS-PASTAS Lietuvos Paštas https://www.post.lt/ LT
LM-PARCEL LM-PARCEL LM Parcel https://www.lmparcel.com/search?nums= GLOBAL
LONE-STAR-OVERNIGHT LONE-STAR-OVERNIGHT Lone Star Overnight https://www2.lso.com/access/package-tracking?seo_redirect=1 US
LUXEMBOURG-POST LUXEMBOURG-POST Luxembourg Post https://www.post.lu LU
LWE LWE LWE http://www.lwe.com.hk/tracking CN
MACEDONIA-POST MACEDONIA-POST Macedonia Post https://www.posta.com.mk/ MK
MAGYAR-POSTA MAGYAR-POSTA Magyar Posta https://www.posta.hu/ HU
MBE-ES MBE-ES Mail Boxed Etc https://www.mbe.es/es/tracking?c= ES
MBE-IT MBE-IT Mail Boxes Etc. Italia https://www.mbe.it/ IT
MAILAMERICAS MAILAMERICAS MailAmericas http://tracking.mailamericas.com/search US
MALTA-POST MALTA-POST Malta Post https://www.maltapost.com/ MT
MEEST-EXPRESS MEEST-EXPRESS Meest Express https://t.meest-group.com/en GLOBAL
MOLDOVA-POST MOLDOVA-POST Moldova Post http://www.posta.md/en/tracking?id= MD
MONDIALRELAY MONDIALRELAY Mondial Relay https://www.mondialrelay.fr FR
MONTENEGRO-POST MONTENEGRO-POST Montenegro Post https://e-racuni.postacg.me/PracenjePosiljaka/ ME
MRW-ES MRW-ES MRW http://www.mrw.es/ ES
NACEX-ES NACEX-ES Nacex https://www.nacex.es/ ES
NANJING-WOYUAN NANJING-WOYUAN Nanjing Woyuan http://www.nanjingwoyuan.com/ CN
NEWAY NEWAY Neway https://esmart.newaytransport.com/v6/tracking/Track.external?refno= GLOBAL
NEXIVE NEXIVE Nexive http://www.nexive.it/ IT
NINJA-VAN-MALAYSIA NINJA-VAN-MALAYSIA Ninja Van Malaysia https://www.ninjavan.co/en-my MY
NINJA-VAN-SINGAPORE NINJA-VAN-SINGAPORE Ninja Van Singapore https://www.ninjavan.co/en-sg/tracking?id= SG
NINJA-VAN-VIETNAM NINJA-VAN-VIETNAM Ninja Van Vietnam https://www.ninjavan.co/en-vn/tracking?id= VN
NOPAR NOPAR Nopar Solutions http://noparsolutions.com/ ES
NOVA-POSHTA NOVA-POSHTA Nova Poshta https://novaposhta.ua/tracking/index/cargo_number//no_redirect/1 UA
NT-LOGISTICS-VN NT-LOGISTICS-VN NT Logistics VN https://www.ntlogistics.vn/chi-tiet-van-don.html?bill= GLOBAL
NZCOURIERS NZCOURIERS NZCouriers https://www.nzcouriers.co.nz/nzc/servlet/ITNG_TAndTServlet?barcode_data=&page=1&VCCA=Enabled&Key_Type=BarCode#Detail_0 US
OMAN-POST OMAN-POST Oman Post https://www.omanpost.om/track-trace OM
OMNI-PARCEL OMNI-PARCEL Omni Parcel http://track.omniparcel.com/?id= GLOBAL
OMNIVA OMNIVA Omniva https://www.omniva.ee EE
ONEXP ONEXP One Express http://www.oneexpress.it IT
ONTRAC ONTRAC OnTrac http://www.ontrac.com GLOBAL
ORANGE-CONNEX ORANGE-CONNEX Orange Connex http://www.orangeconnex.com.cn/tracking CN
ORANGEDS ORANGEDS OrangeDS https://tracking.orangeds.com/ US
OVERSEAS-TERRITORY-US-POST OVERSEAS-TERRITORY-US-POST Overseas Territory US Post https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input US
PACKETA PACKETA Packeta https://tracking.packeta.com/ GLOBAL
PALLETW PALLETW Palletways http://www.palletways.com EU
PALLEX PALLEX Pallex https://www.pallex.it/ IT
PANDU-LOGISTICS PANDU-LOGISTICS Pandu Logistics https://pandulogistics.com/track ID
PARCEL-FORCE PARCEL-FORCE Parcel Force http://www.parcelforce.com GB
PARGO PARGO Pargo https://pargo.co.za/track-trace/ ZA
PCA PCA PCA https://www.pcaexpress.com.au/tracking/?c= AU
PFC-EXPRESS PFC-EXPRESS PFC Express http://www.pfcexpress.com/Manage/WebManage/Inquire.aspx?txtID=No CN
PICKRR PICKRR Pickrr https://pickrr.com/tracking/#/?tracking_id= GLOBAL
PICKUPP PICKUPP Pickupp https://hk.pickupp.io/en/tracking GLOBAL
PIDGE PIDGE Pidge https://tracking.pidge.in/login IN
PITNEY-BOWES PITNEY-BOWES Pitney Bowes https://trackpb.shipment.co/track US
PITT-OHIO PITT-OHIO Pitt Ohio https://pittohio.com/myPittOhio/Shipping/LTL/TraceRequest GLOBAL
POCZTA-POLSKA POCZTA-POLSKA Poczta Polska http://www.poczta-polska.pl PL
POS-MALAYSIA POS-MALAYSIA Pos Malaysia https://www.pos.com.my/ MY
POST-HASTE POST-HASTE Post Haste https://www.posthaste.co.nz/phl/servlet/ITNG_TAndTServlet?page=1&VCCA=Enabled&Key_Type=BarCode&barcode_data= IT
POST-ONE POST-ONE Post One https://postone.eu/en/track?code= BG
POSTA-ROMANA POSTA-ROMANA Poșta Română https://www.posta-romana.ro/ RO
SLOVENIA-POST SLOVENIA-POST Pošta Slovenije https://www.posta.si SI
POSTAPLUS POSTAPLUS PostaPlus https://www.postaplus.com/?trackid= KW
PTI PTI Poste Italiane http://www.poste.it IT
MILKMAN MILKMAN PosteGoFresh https://www.milkman.it/ IT
POSTEN-NORGE POSTEN-NORGE Posten Norge https://www.posten.no/ NO
POSTI POSTI Posti https://www.posti.fi/ FI
POSTNL-INT POSTNL-INT PostNL International http://www.postnl.post/ NL
POSTNL-3S POSTNL-3S PostNL International 3S https://www.internationalparceltracking.com NL
POSTNORD-DENMARK POSTNORD-DENMARK PostNord Denmark https://www.postnord.dk DK
POSTNORD-SWEDEN POSTNORD-SWEDEN PostNord Sweden https://www.postnord.se/ SE
PRESSIODE PRESSIODE Pressiode http://pressiode.de/sendungsverfolgung GLOBAL
PRO-CARRIER PRO-CARRIER Pro Carrier https://tracking.weareprocarrier.com/?tn= UK
PUROLATOR PUROLATOR Purolator https://www.purolator.com/purolator/ship-track/tracking-summary.page US
QHD QHD QHD https://www.qhditalia.it/ GLOBAL
QUIKENMX QUIKENMX QuikenMx https://api.quiken.mx/track GLOBAL
RAIDEREX RAIDEREX RaidereX https://app.detrack.com/w/#/tracking/s/c2ed7ab0c381d61e1959731ff286cbb0ba590cb4 GLOBAL
RDA RDA Ramoneda http://www.ramoneda.com/ ES
RHENUS RHENUS Rhenus Italia https://www.rhenus.group/it/it/ IT
RL-CARRIERS RL-CARRIERS RL Carriers https://www.rlcarriers.com/shiptrace.asp US
ROADRUNNER-FREIGHT ROADRUNNER-FREIGHT Roadrunner Freight http://tools.rrts.com/LTLTrack/?searchValues= GLOBAL
ROYAL-MAIL ROYAL-MAIL Royal Mail http://www.royalmail.com GB
RPOST RPOST RPost https://www.errepost.it/ IT
RUSSIAN-POST RUSSIAN-POST Russian Post https://www.pochta.ru RU
RUSTON RUSTON Ruston http://www.ruston.cc/customer/xiaojianchaxun.html CN
RZY-EXPRESS RZY-EXPRESS RZY Express http://rzyexpress.com.sg/track.php SG
SF-EXPRESS SF-EXPRESS S.F. Express http://www.sf-express.com CN
SAGAWA-GLOBAL SAGAWA-GLOBAL Sagawa Global https://tracking.sagawa-sgx.com/sgx/trackeng.asp?enc=ENG&cat=AWB&awb= JP
SAIA-LTL-FREIGHT SAIA-LTL-FREIGHT Saia LTL Freight https://www.saia.com/track US
SAILPOST SAILPOST Sailpost http://www.sailpost.it IT
SMM-IT SMM-IT San Marino Mail http://www.sanmarinomail.sm IT
SAN-MARINO-POST SAN-MARINO-POST San Marino Post https://www.poste.sm/on-line/home/servizi/servizi-on-line/tracciatura-oggetti-a-firma.html#service SM
SAP-EXPRESS SAP-EXPRESS SAP Express https://www.sap-express.id/en/track-awb IN
SAUDI-POST SAUDI-POST Saudi Post https://splonline.com.sa/en/shipmentdetailsstatic/?tid= SA
SDA SDA SDA http://wwww.sda.it IT
SDA-RACCOMANDATA SDA-RACCOMANDATA SDA Raccomandata http://wwww.sda.it IT
SDK-EXPRESS SDK-EXPRESS SDK Express http://www.sdk-express.cn/track.aspx GLOBAL
SENDABOX SENDABOX Sendabox http://www.sendabox.it IT
SENDING SENDING Sending Transporte Urgente https://www.sending.es ES
SETEL-EXPRESS SETEL-EXPRESS Setel Express https://track.setel.com/t/ GLOBAL
SEUR SEUR Seur http://www.seur.com ES
SF-INTERNATIONAL SF-INTERNATIONAL SF International http://www.sf-express.com/us/en/dynamic_function/waybill/#search/bill-number/ CN
SGT SGT SGT Corriere Espresso http://www.sgt.it/ IT
SHIP-IT-ASIA SHIP-IT-ASIA Ship It Asia https://viewider.com/labs/shipment/track GLOBAL
SHIPA SHIPA Shipa https://tracking.shipadelivery.com/?bc= AE
SHIPENTEGRA SHIPENTEGRA ShipEntegra https://track.shipentegra.com/result GLOBAL
SHIPROCKET SHIPROCKET Shiprocket https://www.shiprocket.in/shipment-tracking/ IN
SHOPEE-EXPRESS-PHILIPINES SHOPEE-EXPRESS-PHILIPINES Shopee Express Philipines https://spx.ph/#/detail/ PH
SHREE-ANJANI-COURIER SHREE-ANJANI-COURIER Shree Anjani Courier http://anjanicourier.in/Doc_Track.aspx?No= GLOBAL
SINGAPORE-POST SINGAPORE-POST Singapore Post https://www.singpost.com/ SG
SINOTRANS SINOTRANS Sinotrans http://www.sinotrans-csc.com/ CN
SKY-POSTAL SKY-POSTAL SKY Postal https://tracking.skypostal.com/single-tracking.aspx?trck_number= GLOBAL
SKYNET-ITA SKYNET-ITA SkyNet Italy http://www.skynetitaly.it IT
SKYNET-SOUTH-AFRICA SKYNET-SOUTH-AFRICA Skynet South Africa https://api.skynet.co.za:3227/api/waybill/getWaybillTracking/?waybillReference= GLOBAL
SKYNET SKYNET SkyNet Worldwide Express http://www.skynetwwe.com/ GLOBAL
SLOVAK-PARCEL-SERVICE SLOVAK-PARCEL-SERVICE Slovak Parcel Service https://www.sps-sro.sk/en/track-trace/ SK
SLOVAKIA-POST SLOVAKIA-POST Slovakia Post https://tandt.posta.sk/en SK
SMSA-EXPRESS SMSA-EXPRESS SMSA Express http://www.smsaexpress.com/Track.aspx?tracknumbers= SA
SOUTH-AFRICAN-POST SOUTH-AFRICAN-POST South African Post https://www.postoffice.co.za ZA
SPEDIAMO SPEDIAMO Spediamo.it http://www.spediamo.it/ IT
SPEE-DEE-DELIVERY SPEE-DEE-DELIVERY Spee-Dee Delivery https://speedeedelivery.com/track-a-shipment/ US
SPEEDAF-EXPRESS SPEEDAF-EXPRESS Speedaf Express https://speedaf.com/cn-cn CN
SPRING-GDS SPRING-GDS Spring GDS https://www.spring-gds.com/ EU
STALLION-EXPRESS STALLION-EXPRESS Stallion Express https://stallionexpress.ca/tracking/ GLOBAL
STARKEN STARKEN Starken https://www.starken.cl/ GLOBAL
STEF-IT STEF-IT STEF https://www.stef.it/ IT
STO-EXPRESS STO-EXPRESS STO Express http://www.sto.cn CN
SUSA SUSA Susa https://flex.susa.it/Home IT
SWISS-POST SWISS-POST Swiss Post https://www.post.ch/ CH
SZENDEX SZENDEX Szendex https://erp.szendex.com/DlWebTrackingVWE/?seg= ES
T-CAT T-CAT T Cat https://www.t-cat.com.tw/inquire/explain.aspx CN
TWS TWS T.W.S. Express Courier http://www.twsexpresscourier.it IT
TEAM-GLOBAL-EXPRESS TEAM-GLOBAL-EXPRESS Team Global Express https://teamglobalexp.com/ AU
TECNO-TRANS TECNO-TRANS Tecnotrans http://www.tecnotrans.eu IT
TEMPO-ONE TEMPO-ONE Tempo One https://www.tempo-one.com/ FR
TFORCE-FREIGHT TFORCE-FREIGHT TForce Freight (UPS Freight) https://www.tforcefreight.com/ltl/apps/Tracking?proNumbers= US
THABIT-LOGISTICS THABIT-LOGISTICS Thabit Logistics https://thabit-logistics.com/track-shipment GLOBAL
TPC TPC The Professional Couriers (TPC) https://www.tpcindia.com/Default.aspx IN
TIPSA TIPSA TIPSA http://www.tip-sa.com/ ES
TNT TNT TNT http://www.tnt.com GLOBAL
TNT-AUSTRALIA TNT-AUSTRALIA TNT Australia https://www.tntexpress.com.au/interaction/trackntrace.aspx AU
TNT-CLICK TNT-CLICK TNT Click http://www.tnt-click.it IT
TNT-ES TNT-ES TNT España http://www.tnt.es ES
TNT-FRANCE TNT-FRANCE TNT France http://www.tnt.fr/ FR
TNT-ITA TNT-ITA TNT Italia https://www.tnt.it/ IT
TNT-UK TNT-UK TNT UK http://www.tnt.com/express/en_gb/site/home.html GB
TOLL TOLL Toll Group https://www.tollgroup.com/ GLOBAL
TOURLINE-EXPRESS TOURLINE-EXPRESS Tourline Express http://www.tourlineexpress.com ES
TRACKNATOR TRACKNATOR Tracknator https://www.tracknator.com/#/track/ GLOBAL
TRACKON-COURIER TRACKON-COURIER Trackon Courier http://trackoncourier.com/default.aspx IN
TRAKPAK TRAKPAK Trakpak http://www.trackmytrakpak.com EU
TRANSAHER TRANSAHER Transaher https://transaher.es/ ES
TRUNKRS TRUNKRS Trunkrs https://parcel.trunkrs.nl/ GLOBAL
TTKD-EXPRESS TTKD-EXPRESS TTKD Express http://www.ttkdex.com/staticFiles/pages/queryExpress.html CN
TYP TYP TYP https://typ.delivery IT
UK-MAIL UK-MAIL UK Mail https://www.dhl.com/gb-en/ecommerce/business-users/uk-mail.html UK
UNITED-DELIVERY-SERVICES UNITED-DELIVERY-SERVICES United Delivery Services http://www.uniteddeliveryservice.com/packageTrack.php GLOBAL
UNIUNI UNIUNI UniUni https://uniexpress.ca/tracking?no= GLOBAL
UPS UPS UPS http://www.ups.com/ GLOBAL
UPS-GROUND UPS-GROUND UPS Ground https://www.ups.com/track?loc=en_US&tracknum=&requester=WT US
UPS-MAIL-INNOVATIONS UPS-MAIL-INNOVATIONS UPS Mail Innovations https://tracking.ups-mi.net/packageID/ US
USPS USPS USPS https://www.usps.com/ US
V-XPRESS V-XPRESS V-Xpress http://www.vxpress.in/track/ IN
VENIPAK VENIPAK Venipak https://venipak.com/tracking/track/ LT
VIETNAM-POST VIETNAM-POST Vietnam Post http://www.vnpost.vn/en-us/dinh-vi/buu-pham?key= VN
VIETTEL-POST VIETTEL-POST Viettel Post http://en.viettelpost.com.vn/ VN
WE-WORLD-EXPRESS WE-WORLD-EXPRESS We World Express https://www.weworldexpress.com/wwe/track CN
WEDO-LOGISTICS WEDO-LOGISTICS WeDo Logistics https://www.wedo.cz/ GLOBAL
WHISTL WHISTL Whistl https://trackmyitem.whistl.co.uk/tracking/ UK
WINIT WINIT Winit http://track.winit.com.cn/tracking/index.php?s=/Index/result CN
WISHPOST WISHPOST WishPost https://wishpost.wish.com/tracking CN
WIZMO WIZMO Wizmo https://shipwizmo.com/tracking GLOBAL
WNDIRECT WNDIRECT wnDirect https://wndirect.com/tracking.php?type=OR&ref=&submit=# UK
XDP-EXPRESS XDP-EXPRESS XDP Express https://www.xdp.co.uk/track.php?c=00000&code=000 UK
XPO-LOGISTICS XPO-LOGISTICS XPO Logistics https://track.xpoweb.com/ltl-shipment/ GLOBAL
XPRESSPOST XPRESSPOST xpresspost https://www.canadapost.ca/trackweb/en#/search?searchFor= CA
YAKIT YAKIT Yakit https://shipping.yakit.com/tracking?yakitId= US
YANWEN YANWEN Yanwen http://www.yw56.com.cn/ CN
YDH YDH Ydh http://www.ydhex.com/ CN
YODEL YODEL Yodel Domestic http://www.yodel.co.uk/ GB
YTO-EXPRESS YTO-EXPRESS YTO Express http://www.yto.net.cn/gw/service/Shipmenttracking.html CN
YUNEXPRESS YUNEXPRESS Yun Express http://www.yunexpress.com/ CN
YUNDA-EXPRESS YUNDA-EXPRESS Yunda Express http://www.udalogistic.com/index CN
YURTICI-KARGO YURTICI-KARGO Yurtici Kargo https://www.yurticikargo.com/tr/online-servisler/gonderi-sorgula?code= GLOBAL
ZAJIL ZAJIL Zajil https://zajil-express.com/en/ SA
ZELERIS-ES ZELERIS-ES Zeleris https://www.zeleris.com/ ES
ZIM-LOGISTICS ZIM-LOGISTICS ZIM Logistics https://www.zim-logistics.com.cn/ CN
ZJS-INTERNATIONAL ZJS-INTERNATIONAL ZJS International http://www.zjs.com.cn/yscp/index.jhtml CN
ZTO-EXPRESS ZTO-EXPRESS ZTO Express https://www.zto.com/express/expressCheck.html?txtBill= CN
ZTO-INTERNATIONAL ZTO-INTERNATIONAL ZTO International http://kh.zto.com/kh-en/ CN
ZUFALL-GERMANY ZUFALL-GERMANY Zufall Germany https://tracking.myzufall.de/Track/ DE
ZUST ZUST Züst Ambrosetti http://www.zust.it/ IT